Ready to unleash your creative voice?


Want to hear my unpopular opinion? Everyone is creative. Yes, even you. Everyone is born with the deep intrinsic ability to CREATE, we just tend to forget it as we get older.

I get it, you don't think you're creative enough. You're not an "Artist" so what does this have to do with you?

Everything, my friend.

Think of creativity not as a TALENT you're born with but as an integral part of your inner workings, like a muscle you can strengthen.

You're more creative than you think, and I'm here to prove it to you.


In my kitchen nook studio, I lose myself for hours amidst the melodies and the dance of my hands across paper and canvas. As a 4/6 Splenic Projector, my creative process is deeply intuitive, guided by a sensitivity to the energies that surround me. From childhood whispers with inanimate objects to befriending a boulder, my journey has always been one of connecting with the unseen depths of existence.

My latest series, 'Earth Spirits,' celebrates the elemental forces that sustain us and the dance of light and darkness within our world. Additionally, 'The Totality Collection' explores the interplay between life and death, symbolizing the transformative power of decay and regeneration. Through my art, I aim to invite contemplation and reflection, weaving threads of light and shadow that resonate with the universal desire for liberation and renewal.

You keep questioning yourself.

You’re sick of feeling stuck and stagnant, you want to liberate your creative vision and express all the things you have inside of you but you don’t know where to start.



Imagination is absolutely essential in the co-creation of our world. I believe in imagination as the strongest leverage point for the prioritization of creativity, innovation, and the capacity to envision possibilities beyond current realities or constraints. Imagination, in this context, is an essential element for progress, problem-solving, and artistic expression - for IMAGINING a new world that serves and nourishes all of humanity and the more than human world.


I firmly believe in the paramount importance of personal autonomy, viewing it as the cornerstone of self-sovereignty. This belief underscores the right of every individual to direct their own life, make their own choices, and trust their intuitions. It champions the freedom to pursue one's own values, beliefs, and goals without undue interference, emphasizing the need for a respectful balance that allows for personal freedom while ensuring it does not impede on the rights of others.


Resilience means embracing adversity as an opportunity for growth, maintaining a positive outlook in the face of difficulties, and cultivating the inner strength to recover from setbacks. It involves a commitment to adaptability, learning from experiences, and the persistence to pursue goals despite obstacles. Recognizing that resilience is not just about enduring but also thriving, I strive to foster a coaching practice that seeks lessons and opportunities in every challenge, aiming to build a life characterized by perseverance, growth, and the capacity to inspire resilience in others.