Don't Waste Your Life

Don't Waste Your Life

Sale Price:$300.00 Original Price:$600.00

16x20in mixed media on stretched canvas

This piece represents a beautiful collaboration between my eight-year-old son and me. Against a backdrop of misty whites and veiled shadows, you'll find the words "don't waste life" scrawled in his messy, yet earnest, handwriting. These words, conceived by him, hold a depth of wisdom beyond his years.

In the center of the painting, his contribution shines through—a glowing eye, painted with youthful fervor, gazes out from the canvas, offering a glimpse into the soul of the artwork. It serves as a beacon of clarity and insight, urging us to heed the profound message written above.

In the foreground, carnations bloom, adding a touch of haunting beauty and a reminder of rebirth. The edges of this painting are wrapped in a portion of the Metta prayer: May all beings be happy. May all beings be free.

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