Shrouded Illumination

Shrouded Illumination
"Shrouded Illumination" delves into the profound interplay between life and death, where darkness and demise serve as vital components in the eternal cycle of renewal. Started over ten years ago and composted several times, this painting embodies the transformative power of decay and regeneration.
Layers of darkness and misty whites shroud the canvas, representing the veils of death and the mysteries of the unknown. Within this ethereal realm, bursts of vibrant life emerge from the depths, symbolized by poppies breaking through layers of rock and shatters.
In many cultures, white is the color of funeral shrouds, symbolizing the journey from life to death and beyond. Here, amidst the darkness, white takes on new significance—an essential element in the process of transformation and rebirth.
As a testament to interconnectedness and the universal desire for liberation, the sides of the painting bear the words: "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu" — a mantra invoking happiness and freedom for all beings, acknowledging the inherent connection between life, death, and the cycle of existence.
"Shrouded Illumination" is an invitation to contemplate the profound wisdom inherent in the dance of light and shadow, reminding us that death is not an end, but rather a necessary precursor to new beginnings.
The edges of this painting are wrapped in a portion of the Metta prayer “lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu”, which means, “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”